Role Based Access Controls in R12 – Pros & Cons

Thinking of deploying User Management’s RBAC (Role Based Access Controls) in your EBS R12 instance?
RBAC, in principle, has been touted as a best practice for efficiently achieving SoD compliance in systems prone to access risk. Advocates assert that once configured, it requires less effort to maintain and provision access than other access models, all the while maintaining a risk averting level of segregation of duties.
But how does R12’s RBAC functionality stack up against the traditional EBS responsibility model that is typically deployed by default? Is it worth the effort?
In this whitepaper, I explore the advantages and dis-advantages of both models and provide guidance as to which model best suits a selection of scenarios.
Click here to request your copy.
Best Regards,
Cam Larner
President, Absolute Technologies, Inc.
Vice Chairman of OAUG User Management/Role Based Access Control SIG